Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pslams 15 to 16

Picking up from where I left off in psalms ....


This is a very short psalm – just five versus long.  It’s a call for righteousness, saying that the only one able to dwell with the Lord walks without blame, does what is right, speaks from the heart, doesn’t slander anyone, doesn’t harm a friend, doesn’t defame a neighbor, honors the Lord and the like.

Few thoughts.  First, does anyone really fit this?  If nothing else, the “Walks without blame” line will be a tough barrier.  No one is perfect, and those closest to it are often most aware of their shortcomings.  This psalm is attributed to David, and he really doesn’t fit the “doesn’t harm a friend” line – just ask Bethesda’s original husband, who David had whacked.

Second, among the bad behavior listed is lending money at interest.  Well now, that’s an entire industry.  The footnotes say that there are several laws in the Torah against this, and I know it was against Christian churches practices for century.  It’s seen as leeching behavior, especially bad because those who get loans are those in need – and you’re taking advantage of their need. 


OK, this is what I’d expect to see from a psalm.  None of this talk of destroying foes or denouncing those opposed to the Lord.  No violent imagery at all.  (Well, there is a line about “blood libations” but it’s not the revenge imagery that keeps cropping up in the early psalms. 

It’s a psalm about taking refuge in God and finding solace in him because he’ll lead the path to life.  A nice pleasant psalm, but not much for me personally to latch onto.

EDITED to add: click here for the next batch of psalms

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